* semi-formal register: simple, clear & direct
* include factual information starting from main facts to details
* analyse an event & extract key info
* concise and clear information
* select information for target audience
* headline, sub-headline + byline
* short paragraphs, to find specific information quickly
* organize information for clear and efficient message
* formal register: formal & impersonal language
* addressed to specific audience
* present explanations clearly & logically
* include what the audience needs to know & why
* title: introduce the topic
* clear organization: sub-headings, numbered sections…
* cohesive devices for clear presentation of ideas
* formal register: formal & impersonal language
* addressed to specific audience
* present explanations clearly & logically
* include what the audience needs to know & why
* title: introduce the topic
* clear organization: sub-headings, numbered sections…
* cohesive devices for clear presentation of ideas
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