miércoles, 29 de abril de 2015

Class Daily Report Weds 29th

Class Daily Report Wednesday 29th April

2nd ESO Ms. Solá: modal verbs revision. Page 195 & 196 exercises corresponding to unit 23 & 24: Cooperative learning 1-2-4

2nd ESO: Mr. Martín: Reading & Writing. "The Disappearing Village" looking closely & comprehension. Classwork/Homework: Creative writing: changes in your town/village: USED TO/WOULD

2nd ESO: Mr. Mascaró: 3rd midterm exam

4th ESO  Ms. Torrents: reported speech exam correction

lunes, 27 de abril de 2015

English B: Paper 2, Section A: Writing (II)

Text type: proposal, correspondence, leaflet

Complete one of the following tasks: Write 250 to 400 words

1. The mayor of your city has invited citizens to organize fundraising events for charity. You and a
group of students would like to organize a sponsored run. The best place to hold this event is the
city center. Write your proposal describing this event and its importance, and ask permission to use
this area.

2. A recent article in a national newspaper highlighted the fact that more and more young people are
having health problems because they spend many hours on the computer. Write a letter to the editor
of the newspaper in which you express your opinion about this issue.

3. You have visited an information technology fair and you were impressed by the recent advances in
this field. Write an email to a friend in which you describe what you saw and encourage him/her to
attend the fair.

4. You have been asked by an NGO organisation to write a leaflet on "Hygiene: A guide for working in the kitchen".

English B: text types: Proposal

PROPOSAL (selling an idea)
* formal & impersonal register
* must specify target audience to which the proposal is addressed & purpose (title or heading)
* key concepts, persuasive ideas (taking into account target audience characteristics)
* logical and clear sequence: cohesive devices
1. Clear organisation: headings, numbered sub-sections, bullet points
2. Introduction: summary of aim / purpose
2. Body: advantages & possible drawbacks
3. Conclusion + recommendation

English B: Text types: Formal & informal letters

informal letter, email:
* informal register: informal, colloquial language (easy to understand)
* lively style,  entertaining; express emotions, anecdotes creating interest
* clearly meant to a specific person
* opening & closing eg: Dear xxxxxxx,  See you soon, xxxxxx
* email layout: sender’s and recipient’s email addresses & from / to / date

formal letter (letter to an editor):
* semi-formal /formal register: formal language: impersonal and formal relationship with reader
* clear purpose of the letter: concise ideas
* clear ideas, related to purpose of the letter
1. Greeting: Dear Sir/Madam; Dear Mr. Xxxxx
2. Opening: purpose of the letter
3. Body (2 paragraphs): development of idea/s
4. Conclusion: summary and course of action
5. Close: Yours faithfully/yours sincerely

English B: Text types: Brochure, leaflet...

* semi-formal, address the reader directly, persuasive approach
* main heading or promotional slogan
* multiple sections : with sub-headings, bullet points
* clear structure of argument
* may include background information: 'Contact us' + phone number / email
1. titles, headings
2. use of sections – sub-headings, bullet points
3. clear conclusion: persuasive
4. contact details

domingo, 26 de abril de 2015

2nd BACH: Selectividad Writing

Selectividad writing: ESSAYS


Think & group ideas in paragraphs (logically, not randomly)
INTRO: introduce topic + give opinion (agree/disagree)
BODY (1): 1st reason supporting your opinion
BODY (2): 2nd reason supporting your opinion
CONCLUSION: summary of ideas & repetition of your opinion

   B.     DON’T FORGET:

Answer the question
Word limit!!
Do not give things for granted
Appropriate register


Readable, clear handwriting & structure
Cross out mistakes nicely
Do not use long sentences
Do not branch off
No repetitions please!
TOPIC SENTENCE for each paragraph


Expression your opinion:
In my opinion, I personally/strongly think/believe, I (completely/partially) agree/disagree with, as I see it, in my view, as far as I am concerned, I am convinced that, I agree/disagree with the statement because, it seems to me that, I feel that, from my point of view,…

Giving reasons:
The main reason for this, another reason is, one reason for --- is, many people believe that, because, since, because of,…

Expressing facts:
It is widely known that, it is a fact that, it is clear that, research has shown that,…

Expressing contrast:
Although, despite, in spite of, but, even if, whereas, On the one hand …. and on the other, However,…

Expressing purpose:
In order to, to, so as to, so, so that

Ending up:
In short, in conclusion, to sum up, to conclude, on the whole, all in all, …


Use English structures (eg. passive)
Use a wide range of grammar forms
Use specific vocabulary to the topic
Do not use Spanish words (if you do, explain them)
Do not translate directly from Spanish
Do not invent words
Do not repeat vocabulary (use synonyms, paraphrasing...)